The Structural Biology Facility occupies about 3000 sq. ft. in the Scott Research Tower and the Eppley Science Hall it offers four main services:
- Protein Expression and Purification (PrEP) – The PrEP service is dedicated to the high yield production, purification and labeling of protein which is used by investigators for a wide range of purposes.
- Crystal Screening and Growth (CSG) – The CSG service uses the Formulatrix Rockmaker LIMS and associated robotic instrumentation to guide the crystallization of proteins of interest.
- X-ray – The X-ray service has single crystal diffractometer for solving high resolution X-ray crystal structures. The system consists of an FRE+ rotating copper anode generator, high resolution optics, quarter-chi goniometer, and an R-Axis IV++ detector. The service also has a Rigaku BioSAXS-1000 to collect Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) data on solutions.
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) – The NMR service operates two spectrometers (400 and 600 Mhz), allowing it to verify the structure of small molecule inhibitors produced by synthesis.